Rainbow Express
Rainbow Express is our Mother’s Day Out program, which operates on Tuesdays and Thursdays from August through May. Classes are offered for ages 12 months through 4 years of age.
To learn about Rainbow Express and register or pay tuition, click here.

Prison Ministry

Kings Crossing Church of Christ has ministered in jails and prisons for 40 years. Dale Underwood has taken over directing the effort from the office at 3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101 (362-855-3372). Their staff and volunteers conduct a wide range of efforts to assist offenders, family members and newly released offenders, including support groups.
Family Upreach, Inc. (NewLife Behavior Ministries) also operates out of this office. This is a curriculum-based program that helps people change negative behavior into positive behavior. The curriculum is used in 40 states and over 30 foreign countries. To learn more about our Prison Ministry, please click here.

To be in the loop on volunteer opportunities with our prison ministry, feel free to join the info group.

CASA 12-Step Recovery Group
This program began at Kings Crossing Church of Christ in 1988 to blend the Bible with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to especially help believers find lasting sobriety and serenity. Since then, CASA groups have formed throughout the USA and in other countries.
Four local support group meetings are offered weekly as well as one-on-one counseling by appointment. Its office is at 3833 S. Staples, Suite S-101 (361-855-3372). Pat Watson is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor on staff.
Every Wednesday night at 7pm, one of the groups meets at our church. To learn more, click here.

Camp Bandina
Each year Kings Crossing leads a session of Bible Camp at Bandina Christian Youth Camp near Bandera, Texas in the beautiful hill country. Many different congregations come together for our young people to spend a week together, focusing on God. It’s a highlight of every year. For more information about camp, click here.

Benevolence Ministry
In Corpus Christi, there are a large number of homeless families, including several hundred children in the public school system categorized as homeless. We have a team of people who work at coordinating specific opportunities where we can provide resources that will accomplish the most good. If you would like to be involved in our efforts of compassion towards the community, please click here.
Get Involved
Get involved in our local ministries! For a complete list of our local ministries and life groups, click here. To see our calendar of upcoming events, click here.