Year 2025 Goals
- Create a culture of volunteerism to meet our growing demands for teachers and programs. One feature is to limit commitments to one quarter at a time, rather than open-ended terms.
- Build a vibrant community outreach program.
- Build a strong outreach to Young Adults. Reach out to the college age group, and focus on encouraging and strengthening the commitment of our graduating classes.
- Grow our Sunday morning worship back above the 300 average mark by stressing the importance on in-person attendance. Reintroduce attendance records.
Year 2030 Goals
- Have a strong, sustained college aged advocacy program. Hire a young adult minister.
- Build on our current mission program with special emphasis on the congregation in Costa Rica.
- Offer marital and personal counseling through a trained staff minister, or by partnering with a local Christian Counseling Service.
- Increase attendance to 450+.
- Build new classrooms along the north side of the multi-use building per original plans.