The Holy Spirit: Seeing Him, Hearing Him, Using Him

Welcome to Sunday Worship for September 26, 2021. Today’s scripture reading is from Romans 8:11.

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Honoring Our Graduates

Justin Campbell and others take a moment to honor this year’s graduates and to bless them as they go forward.

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

This week Justin Campbell breaks down Moralistic Therapeutic Deism for us and how Christians should examine our priorities and be examples to our youth.

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The Imprint is our Blueprint

When Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, Jesus gave us a blueprint of what we need to do when things seem impossible. This week, Justin Campbell discusses the blueprint that Jesus has left for us.

Generosity: The Foundation of Relationship

This week Justin Campbell continues our study in Proverbs, and emphasizes how Generosity is the foundation for relationship.

#KCCOC #Proverbs #TheRoadToLife