Getting to Know the God of Israel featuring Dr. John Fortner

Scripture speaks often of the “God of Israel.” But who did Israel believe that God was? What kind of a God did Israel envision as she worshiped? The answer to these questions can impact greatly our own Christian understanding of the God we have come to know.

Our guest for this conversation is Dr. John Fortner who completed his Ph.D. at Hebrew Union College. Dr. Fortner spent many years in Christian higher education, and has now been at work for nearly 50 years in local church work. He and his wife Jan reside in Alabama.

Some Scriptures we’ll be looking at:

  • Genesis 6:5-8
  • Exodus 2:23-25
  • Exodus 3:7-9
  • Exodus 34:6-7
  • Psalm 103
  • Isaiah 57
  • John 1:1-18